Frederick Valentich
Frederick Valentich, 20, was a keen flyer and was also a keen UFO reader. On October 21st 1978
he decided to take his Cessna from Melbourne and fly over the Bass Strait up to
King Island. Valentich knew that in the last week there had been numerous reports
of strange cigar-shaped objects spotted in the Bass Strait area.
He set off early evening just as it was becoming dark, and was over half way into his journey.
He had around 30 minutes left before he would be over land again, but was in constant
contact with Steve Robey, the duty officer at Melbourne Air Traffic Control.
At 19:06 Valentich called Robey and asked "Is there any traffic in my area below
5,000 feet?". Robey replied that there was no other craft expected in that area.
Valentich replied "Four bright....seems to me like landing lights....just passed
over me. At least a 1000 feet above.". Valentich became more concerned and reported:
"It's approaching now from due east, towards me....It seems to me that he's playing
some sort of game...He's flying over me....It's not an aircraft, it's.....It's
a long shape....cannot identify...the thing is just orbiting on top of me....It's got
a green light and sort of metallic-like...It's all shiny on the outside".
Valentich then radioed that his engine was not working properly and informed Melbourne
that he would try and make it to King Island. He then suddenly cried out:
"Ah, Melbourne, that strange craft is hovering on top of me again...It's hovering
and it's not an aircraft!".
There was then a cry, followed by a strange metallic grinding noise. Then nothing.
Despite several days of land, air, and sea search no trace of Valentich or his Cessna
were ever found.
Again various theories were put forward ranging from Valentich plotting his
own disappearance and faking a close encounter to that of a fateful meeting
with drug smugglers.
Even to this day no one is sure what happened to Frederick Valentich.
Please EMAIL me with any additional Info/Suggestions